

The ‘Total, elastic and diffractive cross-section measurement’ experiment studies particles thrust forward by collisions in the LHC When protons meet head-on at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the collisions provide a micro-laboratory to investigate many phenomena, including the protons themselves. This is the physics that the TOTEM experiment is designed to explore, by taking precise measurements of protons as […]

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MARS Bioimaging is seeking partners to better enable drug development and therapy monitoring for COVID-19 and other lung diseases

Background The current standard for definitive diagnosis of COVID-19 is the real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). While this is a highly sensitive and specific test for COVID-19, it does not measure the severity nor progress of the associated lung disease. Significance of CERN Technology/MARS imaging could help COVID-19 treatment monitoring and drug development Mars technology

MARS Bioimaging is seeking partners to better enable drug development and therapy monitoring for COVID-19 and other lung diseases Read More »